Posted on 12/31/2020

At last, 2021 is here and 2020 is behind us! We hope that this coming year has better things in store for us all. If you’ve not made any New Year’s Resolutions this year, we have six resolutions to follow that will help you protect your automobile on the road this year: Be attentive. Keep your focus on traffic and not what’s going on with your phone, or your kids. If you need to focus on these things, pull off the road and put on your emergency blinkers to deal with them, rather than try to juggle driving responsibilities with distractions. Be more patient. Reacting with anger to traffic is how many accidents begin. Give way, and accept that others may not treat you fairly on the road. Your pride means nothing if you wreck your car and can’t get where you were going, after all. Take a Defensive Driving class. If you’ve never taken one, or if it’s been years, taking a Defensive Driving course can help you rewire your brain to be more a ... read more