Posted on 3/1/2019

What? Flying cars? What are you talking about?? When pigs fly! Oh, wait a minute. For some of us, this is an idea of the future… a future that will never arrive. In reality, it is a ‘when’ not an ‘if’ idea that is coming closer to fruition every day. It’s just a matter of time before we take to the skies to get to the office or dinner or our kid’s soccer game. Imagine what that will look like… remember George Jetson? Probably a bit like that, but let’s leave our imaginations wide open for what’s truly possible. In the none-too-distant past, it was thought that we would be jetting around all over the skies by the year 2000. While that didn’t quite happen, it will. Consider this, though… just how much we love our cars that hug the curves of the open ROAD. Yes, road. As we move into the future and we have the option to fly to work instead of drive, how easily do you think we will transition over to that exclusive o ... read more