Posted on 3/31/2020

Tire care is simple and easy to do at home, but many people seem to ignore their tires when they do their own routine car maintenance. This may be caused by a lack of information on their part, or simply because they don’t realize how quick and easy it really is to do on your own! Read on to find out what you ought to know about your tires, and how to really get the most out of them. We all know that tires are made of rubber and filled with air, but let’s break down some of the different components of your tire first from the outside in. You’re probably familiar with the tire tread, which is the grooves on the outside of your tire that help with traction. It makes contact with the road surface and varies by tire type. Then there is the sidewall, which is the area on the outside of the tire from the tread to the beads within the tire. The beads are actually inside your tire, and they hold the tire to the outer edge of the wheel. Made of copper, brass, or bronze-plated ... read more