Posted on 10/31/2020

When’s the last time you said “thank you” to your car? Thanksgiving is approaching and soon, most of us will be sitting around a table to a glorious feast, talking about the many things that we’re grateful for. In most cases, we’ll talk about the essential workers, like paramedics, police officers, the fire department, nurses, doctors, delivery drivers, and of course, mechanics. We’ll talk about the family and friends to survive the COVID-19 pandemic and in some cases, we’ll sadly remember the ones who didn’t. At AutoPro, we’re grateful for our customers. We were able to help each other through what has turned out to be a very bleak year. Many shops have closed down, unable to sustain themselves through the pandemic, but thanks to our regulars and their caring, we managed to make it through. But how often did you notice in the past summer how good it was to have a working automobile? How great it felt to take off your mask the mo ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2020

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash Fall and winter can be particularly difficult on your vehicles, especially with the weather we get here in Minnesota! That being said, it’s important to know when to get your car ready for the coming winter months, and that time is here. Keep reading to learn how to get your vehicle prepped and primed for the coming cold weather this year by going over these five important areas! Tires: Regardless of whether it snows or not in your location, you should make sure your tires have proper tread, tire pressure, and aren’t damaged or unevenly worn. Use the penny test to check your tire tread depth, and inspect around your tires for cracks, or if there are chunks and gouges in the wa ... read more