Going back to school is stressful enough, but school during COVID-19 takes the cake. Many schools will likely be distance-learning instead of going back to classrooms. Depending on the location and status of your community, it’s likely that distance learning will become the norm for the foreseeable future. Whatever happens, here are some helpful tips for back to school safety in 2020!
1. Discover your school’s COVID-19 plan.
You’ve likely already heard from your children’s schools about coming back to school. Depending on each individual families’ needs, sending your children back to school physically may not be a viable option. You and your family will have to decided for yourselves which risks you’re willing to take should school reopen. In the meantime, find out how all this online school is supposed to happen, and prepare for extended online learning!
2. Teach your kids proper hygiene and social distancing practices.
Before sending young ones back into the school environment, it’s vital that they know how to properly wash and sanitize their hands. Social distancing will be a difficult practice to attempt with a full school of children, but it will be almost impossible unless kids get exposed to both proper hygiene and social distancing practices at home.
3. Have a plan for everything.
It’s better to have a backup plan in case things go awry, so have a plan beforehand about what you’ll do if you or someone at home catches the virus. Keep plenty of supplies on hand that you use when you’re sick; tissues, soup, broths, fluids, and medications are all good ideas. Figure out if you can find someone who can watch your kids if you get sick, and find out who to contact about catching the virus at your child’s school.
4. Give extra support when needed.
COVI-19 hasn’t been easy on everyone, and that goes double for the kids in our lives. From not seeing their friends to being cooped up at home all the time, the world is going through a collective trauma. Your kids are still learning to cope with their emotions, so be kind and listen. The best way to help your kids through this time is to be supportive and attentive to their needs, and to help them figure out healthy forms of expression.
5. Social distance!
If you wind up contracting COVID-19, there is a very real possibility that you’ve already passed it along to someone else. You should go back two weeks and contact anyone you came in close contact with, letting them know you tested positive and that they should self-quarantine and take a test of their own. And don’t forget – continue to practice social distancing, wear a mask, and wash your hands to help slow the spread!
Following this quick list of simple tips for back to school safety hopefully helps with some anxiety over heading back to school. For all your other auto repair and preventive maintenance, schedule an appointment with AutoPro Auto Service today to keep your vehicle performing at its best. We are conveniently located at 7901 W. River Road in Brooklyn Park, MN.